As we approach the warmer months, the team at Vets in the Village wanted to remind owners that ticks will be coming out in full force!
We are witnessing our first cases of tick paralysis this season, and this will only get worse in the coming months. So here is your timely reminder to ensure your pets are up to date with tick prevention and why this is the most important thing you can do for your pet this spring!
How do preventatives work?
When the tick jumps on your pet and go to bite/feed they ingest the preventative and die. The common preventatives begin working within a day for ticks. Preventatives are available as chewable tablets or spot-ons (which are like a sticker) so you can pick what’s best for your pet! We have these available at Vets in the Village.
Which preventative is best?
No matter which brand you decide, there are some key things to remember. Choose the correct weight for your pet and if they are growing puppies or kittens talk with your veterinarian. Here at Vets in the Village we recommend Bravecto and are excited for the upcoming launch of Bravecto Quantum at the beginning of next year. This new product will provide year long flea and tick prevention from a single injection.
Call us today to join the waitlist.
Are city and urban areas still affected?
Yes, this is a very common misconception. Tick don’t discriminate and will be in St Lucia, Taringa, Indooroopilly and surrounding suburbs. Pets in urban and suburban are at risk of picking up ticks the same as if they were in middle of the bush.
What about my indoor pets?
Indoor only pets are still at risk for parasites, they can hitch a ride on other outdoor pets in the household as previously mentioned. Parasites can also get access inside on shoes, other movement in and out of the house, and even on you! Making sure all your pets regardless of their main environment are covered is the only way to ensure everybody is appropriately protected.
If you have any questions about ticks, preventatives or any other concerns, please reach out us at Vets in the Village and we’d be happy to assist.